











CE-PRINCE – green PRocurement and Innovation Network for Circular Economy

From June 1, 2024, Mazovia Development Agency, as a Partner, implements the project with the acronym "CE-PRINCE" under the Interreg Central Europe 2021-2027 program.

The CE-PRINCE Interreg Central Europe project is a unique initiative for a green PRocurement and Innovation Network for Circular Economy, co-funded by the European Union. It is a collaborative effort of 10 Central European partners and 14 associated partners.

The transnational partnership aims to support the transition to a Circular Economy in Central Europe (CE) by leveraging Green Public Procurement (GPP) as a means to improve companies' circularity while reinforcing the public sector's capacity to publish tenders containing more and more elements of circularity.

Circular Procurement considers the whole lifecycle of goods and services to avoid negative environmental impacts and waste creation and achieve an overall reduction in the amount of energy and materials consumed.

Circular/Green Public Procurement (C/GPP), a significant contributor to the EU GDP at 14%, is a powerful tool for the green transition. It not only enhances market competitiveness but also stimulates eco-innovation. However, the varying implementation rates and levels of obligation across countries pose a challenge. To maintain a level playing field and reduce administrative costs, standardisation of techniques and environmental standards is essential.

Recognising the pivotal role of public authorities, business support organisations, and industry agencies in driving the private sector, the project calls upon them to face the challenge of Circular/Green Public Procurement. The project focuses on strengthening businesses' ecological transition and raising awareness in the public sector about its crucial role. This will foster a shared approach to C/GPP in CE.

Including circular principles in GPP criteria accelerates the transition of supply chains to a more circular economy, leveraging the matching between public demand and supply.

Implementing circular business models for companies is an essential step in terms of circular sustainability and improving competitiveness in Central Europe. However, it is necessary to investigate the initial barriers deeply before focusing on case studies to provide sector-specific guidelines that support the process towards circularity.

Therefore, Prince starts by conducting an in-depth survey of the dynamics on the demand and supply sides to define a transnational strategy (WP1) that, by meeting the needs of the different countries, can be translated into action plans and pilot actions (WP2 and WP3). The set of tools that will be defined by the project for the public side (strengthening of C/GPP) and the market side will support the transformation and enhancement of the circular economy in Central Europe.


Duration: 01.06.2024 – 31.05.2027
Budget : 2 056 792 €


1. Liguria Region (IT)
2. Chamber of Commerce of Genoa (IT)
3. Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (IT)
4. South Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency (HU)
5. Styrain Business Promotion Agency (AT)
6. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (SI)
8. Mazovia Development Agency Plc. (PL)
9. Climate Alliance of European Cities with Indigenous Rainforest Peoples (DE)
10. ERI Hungary – European Research Institute Non-profit Ltd Co (HU)


More about the project: https://www.interreg-central.eu/projects/ce-prince/


Project team:

Department of Urban Policy and Innovation
Michał Klepka m.klepka@armsa.pl
Ilona Bąk i.bak@armsa.pl
Paweł Śliwa p.sliwa@armsa.pl
Aleksandra Jadach-Sepioło a.jadach-sepiolo@armsa.pl