Network of Investor and Exporter Service Centres

Network of Investor and Exporter Service Centres

The project 'Network of Investor and Exporter Service Centres (COIE)' was a system project, implemented under Sub-measure 6.2.1 of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme, 2007-2013, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Project duration:: 2010-2015

Project sustainability: 2015-2020

Project objective:

  • an increase in the level of internationalisation of Polish companies/enterprises by facilitating access to services necessary for planning, organising and realising exports/ or investments outside Poland, and
  • working to increase the level of foreign investment in Poland by facilitating potential foreign investors' access to information on the conditions for undertaking business activities in Poland.

Services within the project:

The project provided two services:

Service „pro-eksport” included obtaining and providing information on:

  • administrative, legal and financial issues, security of business transactions in the selected foreign market,
  • doing business in foreign markets, developing export activities and undertaking/executing investments abroad
  • potential business partners for export or investment in the selected foreign market,
  • applicable international settlement methods, trading customs and usages, techniques of financing export transactions, ways of assessing and managing export risks,
  • effective and efficient forms of implementing marketing activities in foreign markets,
  • Sources and procedures for obtaining funding for export activities and investments abroad, from European Union aid programmes - national and regional - and from public funds,
  • possibilities of using active export support instruments,
  • support centres for exporters and investors, at home and abroad, such as government agencies, foreign missions, chambers of commerce, etc,
  • functionality and rules for the use of the intervention system SOLVIT.
  • the possibilities for preparing economic missions, as well as the Experts can assist in handling them.

Service „pro-biz” included obtaining and providing information on:

  • statistical data showing the region's economic potential and the current local economic situation,
  • administrative and legal issues of running a business in Poland,
  • instruments supporting the development of entrepreneurship, investment incentives offered at the regional and national level and institutions relevant for individual instruments (contact data),
  • available investment locations,
  • economic entities from the region looking for an investor,
  • potential sub-suppliers by sector,

Project indicators:

During the course of the project, we were able to support many entrepreneurs, as evidenced by the following indicators:

  • Number of pro-export services provided to entrepreneurs by COIE – 4826,0 points.
  • Number of pro-biz services provided to foreign investors by COIE – 313,5 points.

In both services the calculation of indicators followed similar principles (e.g.: Direct servicing of an entrepreneur / investor - 1 point; Organisation of a conference / information meeting * number of participants – 0,5 points; Telephone information – 0,5 points).