
Updated on 31.10.2023

Mazovia location

Some facts about Mazovia

Area 35,558.47 km²
Poulation 5,512,794 (CSO, as of 7/12/2022)
Average salary in Mazovia (including Warsaw) PLN 7,913.14 (CSO, as of the end of 2022)
Average salary in Mazovia (excluding Warsaw) PLN 6,054.34 (CSO, as of the end of 2022)
Average salary in M. St. Warsaw PLN 8,540.11 (CSO, as of the end of 2022)
GDP 22.71% (CSO, as of 2022)
  • Mazovia is the most populous and largest region on the administrative map of Poland.
  • Mazovia is the leader of Polish transformation.
  • Mazovia produces the largest part of the gross domestic product (GDP).
  • There are 989,530 national economy entities registered in Mazovia, which accounts for 20% of all entities registered in the country
  • 24% of all large companies registered in the country are registered in Mazovia,
  • 34% of all companies with 1,000 or more employees registered in the country are registered in Mazovia

Regional Intelligent Specializations and Innovation Strategy for Mazovia until 2030

The Regional Innovation Strategy for Mazovia until 2030 (RIS) defines a strategic framework for the creation of an environment conducive to increasing enterprise innovativeness. The works on the Regional Innovation Strategy for Mazovia until 2030 took into account the recommendations developed during the sub-regional workshops, strategic workshops, internet consultations, meetings of the Regional Stakeholder Groups within the Interreg Europe projects: SMARTY, Cohes3ion and AgriRenaissance, as well as public consultations of the RIS.

Among the important determinants for the RIS Mazovia 2030 is the new statistical division of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. Since 1 January 2018, the Mazowieckie Voivodeship consists of two NUTS 2 statistical units („regions" according to the systematics used by Eurostat).

Warszawski stołeczny region (PL91):

  1. Warszawa
  2. Warszawski wschodni
  3. Warszawski zachodni

Mazowiecki regionalny region (PL92):

  1. Radomski
  2. Ciechanowski
  3. Płocki
  4. Ostrołęcki
  5. Siedlecki
  6. Żyrardowski

RIS Strategic Objectives:

  1. Increase of innovation activity in Mazovia.
  2. Strong and effectively operating value chains connecting enterprises.
  3. Effective ecosystem for creating and supporting innovations.
  4. Increase in the internationalisation of the Mazovian innovation ecosystem.

Regional Intelligent Specialisation areas:

  1. Safe food
  2. Intelligent systems in industry and infrastructure
  3. Modern business ecosystem
  4. High quality of life

Read more about the Regional Innovation Strategy here: